May 31, 2013

Breaking Up with Betsy

Betsy Mae Winkle and I have been best friends for 12 years.  I fell in love with her when I first laid eyes on her.  We had a lot in common.  She was short, dark, cute, classy and lots of fun...especially when topless.

She has been there for me during the best of times and the worst of times. She has taken me to some really wonderful places and has gotten me out of some crazy situations.

Some say we came together because of a mid-life crisis.  There may be some truth to that but we really got together as a result of hard work and a successful year in my business. We've been constant companions ever since.

Betsy really let me down this week.  It was just the two of us twenty miles north of Atlanta in the middle of Nowhere Georgia at 10 o'clock at night. She began acting  very strange and was making strange noises I'd never heard from her before. Very out of character for Miss Betsy.  I was quite scared so I called for help and we had to carry her 80 miles back to Chattanooga.

She is now with people that can help her but the prognosis is not great.  I am struggling with what to do with little Betsy. Make her better or break up with her?  I'm getting second opinions and I'll spend the next few days making this heart-wrenching (and expensive!) decision.

In the meantime, I'm happy it's FRIDAY and soon it will be HAPPY HOUR!!  I'd love if you joined me in celebrating my Betsy Mae Winkle with a new cocktail in her honor I plan to try later this evening. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!

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