September 29, 2013

From Trash to Treasures

I've heard from quite a few people saying something like, “Haven’t seen a new blog post from you in a while. You OK?”

First, I’m happy that I have so many “Happy Hour” followers that care.   Secondly, I've been busy!

However, I have been inspired and thought several times during day to day work and play (more work than play), “Oh, that would make a good story for my blog”.   I have those in mental storage, but now I want to share my latest project and test to another part of my creativity that has taken my focus from creative writing.

Over the years, with the passing of loved ones, I acquired several pieces of furniture that have been stored away, unused.  They were old, not very attractive and not in line with my tastes and style of home decor. They just had sentimental value.  I couldn't get rid of them because that would be like tossing away a memory of those loved ones. But, I wasn't using them and they were just taking up valuable space in closets and the attic.   I was hoping to pass them down but my children don’t have the same precious memories of these pieces – which were built by my grandfather who was a carpenter.

So, I decided to revive, re-purpose, restore, redesign, re-image, re-anything to try and end my grimacing every time I ran across something that was just ‘in the way’.   Here are my finished projects, so far.

This was a small chest of drawers Papaw Adkins built for my bedroom when I was probably about 3 years old.  It is now in my green guest bedroom being used as a bedside table.  I discovered metallic paint. I think it was just what this room needed to add a little ‘funkiness’ to a traditional look.  I just love it now!

When I was a little girl, I loved playing house. All my dolls were girls and my husband was Little Joe Cartwright. (that is another blog story for later).    Anyway, this is a little hutch that was built especially for my playhouse by Papaw.  It originally was bright pink to match my play kitchen set in the playhouse and was later painted white.  (Sorry, I forgot to get a before picture)    It is now in the blue guest bedroom adding a splash of color and interest. I am tickled pink with how this turned out!  If I ever have a granddaughter, it will be ready for her playhouse.

For as long as I can remember, this small chest of drawers was at the end of a long hallway in my grandparents’ home.  I LOVE animal prints!  A little more than 10 years ago animal prints  became popular and since that time they have moved from fad to trend and, in my opinion, have now become classic.  I have this piece now in the downstairs guest bath that has green tile floors, tan Venetian plaster walls and white fixtures.  It adds a pop of contrast and has received rave reviews from guests.
I think sometimes the best therapy is to become absorbed into a project and engage any creativity one might have. With this, I surprised even myself on the creativity part and it's scaring Chip when I talk about all the other things in the house I want to paint.

This project has been my "Happy Hour" for several weeks. Besides having a few new useful and interesting furniture pieces, it was fun and brought an added bonus of wonderful thoughts and memories of people, places and things. Yes, a few little tears fell, too.   I even found a seashell inside the little hutch.  I’m sure it was from one of our many family beach vacations.



Judy said...

GREAT piece! I am in awe of your did a wonderful job with these pieces. Thanks for sharing them. As always you combine your creative writing style with your interesting lifestyle....great job.

Unknown said...

Love these. Been doing that with old hand me downs and have even parted with a few to the new generationsin the family. It's like giving a new life to family memories

Lynn said...

Thank you, Judy!!

Melissa - would love to see yours!