July 3, 2013

Let's Ditch 'The Fourth of July'

"...this great anniversary festival ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of the county to the other, from this time forever more."    -  John Adams to Abigail Adams   

I seriously dislike 'The 4th of July'.   However, I seriously LOVE ‘Independence Day’!   I have never understood why we refer to this important holiday as a simple date on the calendar.   We don’t call Christmas ‘The 25th of December’ or Valentine’s Day ‘The 14th of February’.   Do we?

Have you ever watched the musical 1776?    I can’t remember a year since it came out in 1972 that I didn’t watch it on The 4th of July Independence Day.  Afterwards, I have an ear-worm for a week…“Sit down, John!  Sit down, John! For God’s Sake John, sit down! Will someone open up a window?   Vote,Yes!   Vote Yes!   Vote for Independency!”   

Thomas Jefferson was assigned the task of drafting a document proposing independence from British rule. When the document was submitted to the full congress, there was much debate and many changes suggested. In the end, there were 86 changes and 480 words eliminated. The final draft contained 1,337 words and there were spelling, capitalization and punctuation errors. Jefferson had written that men were endowed with "inalienable" rights, but in the final copy, it came out as "unalienable". Nevertheless, The Declaration of Independence is a powerful piece of writing and a true work of art.

I have often wondered if those great men in the Continental Congress signing their names to the Declaration of Independence really had any clue of the significance of their actions. In my opinion there is no event in U.S. history more important.

Yes! The 4th of July Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays.  I am so grateful to live in this beautiful nation of independence, freedom and opportunity.  I get all sappy during our celebrations with flags, patriotic music and fireworks. I get that hot feeling in my stomach, watery eyes and goose bumps.

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

With all that said, I propose that we change what we call this important day of celebration from ‘The 4th of July’ to INDEPENDENCE DAY!

I think John and Abigail would be quite pleased with our celebrations 237 years later.

Wishing you good health, much happiness and a grateful heart on this 4th of July Independence Day!



Scarlettfields.blogspot.com said...

I'm reading your blog Lynn and sharing it! Keep it going...I love it!

Lynn said...

Thanks, Sharon! That makes me smile!